
Assessment of Catastrophic Health Expenditure among Households in Kogi State, North Central Nigeria

Moses Luke, FHI360- Nigeria
oabodunrin@lautech.edu.ng Abodunrin Oluwagbemiga, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology
mosannahdgreat@gmail.com Hannah Ojo, Delta State University, Abraka
ponmilej@yahoo.com Jacob Ponmile, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

This study examines catastrophic health expenditure in Kogi state as a measure of financial risk protection in healthcare. Despite existing financing schemes, households continue to face substantial out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare. The research, employing a cross-sectional design, distributed 406 questionnaires with a 99.3% response rate. Statistical analyses, including Logistic Regression, using SPSS. Results show 18.4% of Kogi state households experience catastrophic health expenditures, primarily impacting rural areas. A significant correlation is observed between the gender of the household head and their ability to cover healthcare costs (Chi-square = 2.55, degree of freedom = 1, p-value < 0.01). Lack of access to the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) significantly impacts family economic well-being (Beta = 0.439, Odds Ratio [OR] = 0.645, [CI] = 0.454 - 0.916, p-value < 0.05). The study recommends fee waivers for elderly household heads and redistributing financial burdens to wealthier families for equitable healthcare financing in Kogi State.

See paper.

  Presented in Session P3. Poster Session 3