
Analyse genre de l’adoption de l’intensification agricole sur la sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso.

Hamsatou AMADOU BOUBACAR, Université Félix Houphouët Boigny

The objective of this work is to conduct a gender analysis of the determinants and impact of fertilizer adoption and phytosanitary treatments on the household food consumption score (HFCS) in Burkina Faso. Specifically, we will first analyze the determinants and impact of fertilizer and phytosanitary treatments adoption by female heads of household on household food consumption scores. Then we will simultaneously determine the factors and the impact of the adoption of these two technologies by male heads of household on the household food consumption score. Finally, we will analyze the impact of the adoption of these two technologies without distinguishing between the sex on the household food consumption score. Using secondary data from the 2018-2019, the study will use the Endogenous switching regression model to simultaneously estimate the determinants and impact of the adoption of these two agricultural technologies on the household food consumption score. JEL Code : O33, Q18, Q55

No extended abstract or paper available

  Presented in Session P2. Poster Session 2