
Sectoral growth in Africa: the role of the demographic dividend

Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa, Université de Yaoundé II Soa
Emmanuel JUAKALY WAYISOVIA, Université de Dschang
Simplice Anutechia Asongu, University of Johannesburg

This study examines the role of the demographic dividend on sectoral growth in Africa. The nexus between demographic dividend and economic growth has not been exhaustively assessed in the extant literature. The objective is therefore to examine the links between the demographic dividend and sectoral growth in Africa, using the econometric methods of ordinary least squares, fixed and random effects, two-stage least squares and the method of moments generalized on panel of 44 African countries, period 1991-2021. The findings indicate that the demographic dividend stimulates the growth of primary sector to the detriment of secondary and tertiary sectors. The implications of this study for economic policy suggest that realizing the opportunities that the demographic dividend confers would be a better asset for African economies aiming to develop the industrial sector. Furthermore, the findings lay the foundation for policymakers to formulate more effective policies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

See paper.

  Presented in Session 81. Leveraging Africa's Demographic Potential: Strategies for Sustainable Development