
Sources of Information, Discontinuation, and the Relationship between Sociodemographic /Obstetric Factors, and Indications for Postpartum Contraception at a Tertiary Hospital in Rivers State, Nigeria

Felix C.C. Wekere, Rivers State University
Cosmos E. Enyindah, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital
Emilia A. Udofia, University of Ghana, Korle Bu, Accra

Background: Postpartum period is one of the critical periods for initiating contraception to reduce the unmet need for family planning. Aim- To determine the sources of information, reasons for discontinuation, and association between sociodemographic /obstetric factors, and indications for postpartum contraception (PPC). Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were derived using IBM, SPSS, version 25.0(Armonk, NY). Results: The mean (SD)age was 34.5 ±5.2, 95%CI: 34.5,34.9. Majority of the participants were Christians 600(98.5%), multipara 469(77.0%), had tertiary-level education 360(59.1%), resided in urban areas 519(85.2%) and got information about PPC from hospital 483(79.3%). The commonest reason for discontinuation was heavy menses 15(41%). Age(p<0.001), parity (p=0.008), area of residence(p=0.040), and religion(p=0.019) were significantly associated with the indications for postpartum contraceptive use. Conclusion: The source of information on PPC among postpartum women was mainly from the hospital and discontinuation was due to bleeding side effects. Keywords: Postpartum contraception, Family planning, Rivers State

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P3. Poster Session 3