
Ni Binti Ni Mama Project: A Model for Targeted Nurturing Care for Teenage Mothers and Their Children

Everlyne Morema, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Morris Senghor, Kibabii University
Sally Kosgey, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Gregory Sakwa, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

Teenage pregnancy is a persistent global challenge, particularly prevalent in developing countries. There is need for a tailored Nurturing Care implementation model that addresses the multifaceted issues faced by teenage mothers and their children. Through a human-centered approach, we assessed the specific needs, challenges, and preferences of teenage mothers and their children, co-designed a model, and developed an evaluation tool for the model. The study involved quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Findings revealed significant gaps in healthcare access, responsive caregiving, early learning opportunities, safety, security, and nutrition. Collaborative workshops with stakeholders emphasized the importance of enhancing parenting skills, emotional well-being and financial independence. The resulting Model integrates elements of the Nurturing Care framework and Social Cognitive Theory to promote holistic support for teenage mothers. The model will address needs of this special group, aiming at improving nurturing care practices and ultimately contribute to their well-being and future.

See paper.

  Presented in Session 117. Marginalized and At-Risk Youth: Resilience and Inclusion