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Victoria Lwesha, Save the Children US
Melanie Yahner, Save the Children US
Twenty five percent of adolescent girls in Uganda have either given birth or are pregnant. Half of pregnant adolescents make their first ANC visit after the first trimester. Most have lower health literacy and are unsure of what to expect this time. Yet a standard approach is used for MNH counseling for all mothers regardless of age. We used an exploratory mixed methods design to understand the MNH counseling needs of pregnant and parenting adolescents (PPAs) and considerations for the design of a scalable counseling approach. We facilitated FGDs with PPAs and their companions; consultations with health care providers and interviewed MoH and NGO stakeholders. PPAs MNH counselling needs span from self-care, what to expect across the continuum of care and how to care for the baby. PPAs lack confidence, experience fear and discrimination in and outside health facilities. PPAs require additional time for counseling. Strengthening MNH counselling has potential to reduce social exclusion for PPAs.
Presented in Session 18. Adolescent Pregnancy and Social Exclusion