
Implementation of Immediate Post-Partum Family Planning in Health Facilities in Burkina Faso: Status and Challenges Ten Years Later

Elihou O. Adje, EVIHDAF
Nadia Tefouet, EVIHDAF
Yentema Onadja, Institut supérieur des sciences de la population
Pengdewende Maurice Sawadogo, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP)
Jean Christophe Fotso, EVIHDAF
John G. Cleland, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Samuel Nhanag, EVIHDAF

A decade after the launch of an action plan to improve access to family planning (FP) in the immediate postpartum (IPP) period in Burkina Faso, this study measures the implementation of this proven high-impact practice. Quantitative data from a cross-sectional mixed-methods study are used to describe the provision of IPPFP services, including counseling, availability of contraceptives, equipment, supplies, and skilled personnel (especially for providing LARCs) in 76 health facilities and 144 providers in the Centre and Hauts Bassins regions of Burkina Faso. The institutional challenges of implementing IPPFP in Burkina Faso are also examined using transcripts of key informants' interviews with managing authorities supporting the implementation. The results indicate that nearly all health facilities that offer IPPFP have the necessary methods available on the day of assessment. The primary need appears to be related to complete LARC supplies and equipment and, to a lesser extent, provider training in IUD insertion.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 8. Unmet need for family planning among postpartum women and other vulnerable groups (Adolescents, refugees, and migrant urban slum dwellers).