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Faisal Abdallah, UNFPA
The human cost of the ongoing conflict in Sudan is very heavy, and according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), over 15,000 civilians killed, thousands injured, and at least 7.5 million forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in other parts of the country or in neighboring countries. The study employed a mixed-method approach using primary and secondary data. Primary data collected in October 2023, through a house-hold survey administered to a sample of 2,575, using kobo tool box via smart phones. The survey is augmented through desk review focusing on the living conditions of the IDPs. The paper recommends more attention to post-conflict youth boom in certain areas and its associated political, social, and economic consequences. The paper also calls on demographers and researchers to conduct more similar surveys in conflict situations to show how demography and armed conflict affect each other.
Presented in Session 92. Population Dynamics and Vulnerability-1