
Multilevel Modelling of Factors Influencing Higher-Risk Sex among the Youth in South Africa

Mluleki Tsawe, North-West University
Godswill Osuafor, Independent Researcher
Martin E. Palamuleni, North-West University, Mafikeng Campus
Germinah Motshegwa, North-West University (Mafikeng Campus)
Zama Nkosi, Walter Sisulu University

Background: HIV is one of the biggest health challenges in many developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Although there has been advances in HIV treatment, this group tends to have a higher prevalence of higher-risk sexual behaviour. This study aimed to examine the multilevel factors influencing higher-risk sex among the youth in South Africa. Methods: We used a multilevel logistic regression analysis based on data from the 2016 South Africa Demographic and Health Survey. Results: We found that those aged 25-29 years, those from the coloured population group, those whose sexual debut was at an early age, those from households with 1-3 members, and those from the Northern Cape province had higher odds of engaging in higher-risk sex. Conclusions: Certain populations of young people had higher odds of higher-risk sex; as such, there is a need for targeted interventions that seek to reduce higher-risk sex among those groups.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P2. Poster Session 2