
Mapping Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Vulnerabilities in Ghana: Perspectives of ‘Sistas’

Kobina Esia-Donkoh, University of Cape Coast
Samuel Asiedu Owusu, University of Cape Coast

In response to reducing the SRHR vulnerability of girls in Ghana, the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), implemented the SISTAs project (2015 and 2019) in nine regions. This paper maps the perspectives of SISTAs (10-19 years) on adolescent SRHR vulnerabilities using end-line data from the project involving 242 respondents, 11 IDIs and 12 FGDs. Perceived incidence of adolescent vulnerabilities: teenage pregnancy – highest in four regions (100%); abortion – highest in two regions (100%); early marriage – highest in the Upper East Region (100%); and rape – highest in the Northern Region (87.5%) was observed. Inadequate education on SRHR, inadequate parental provision/control, and adolescent risky behaviours were the perceived contributory factors. Perceptions about SRHR service availability (55%), accessibility (65.5%) and utilisation (4.5%) were expressed, and the lack of assertiveness, gate-keeper effect, and attitudes of healthcare practitioners were the main reasons. Comprehensive SRHR education should target both adolescents and parents.

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  Presented in Session 51. Sexual and reproductive rights of adolescents