
Assault Mortality in South Africa: A 15 Years’ Trend of Deadliest Districts and Metropolitans

Lutendo Malisha, Statistics South Africa

WHO (2022) reported that violence is responsible for the deaths of 4.4 million people every year globally. Interpersonal violence cases make up a significant portion of the deaths in South Africa. Assaults are extremely violent attacks on person by a person or a group of persons aimed at inflicting serious injury. This was an ecological time series study, using data from the StatsSA processed from DoHA’s death notification forms. This is a trend analysis done by means of Prais-Winsten generalized linear analysis model. The objectives were to profile and identify at-risk population by the deceased demographics and location and depicts overall mortality rates over time. The results show a growing trend of deaths due to assault for males and young people between the ages 25-29 years.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 49. Population Dynamics and Vulnerability-2