
Integrated Community and Facility-Based Service Delivery Models Reaching Adolescents and Young People including Key Populations with Family Planning, HIV, and Mental Health Services: A Case Study of Mombasa County, Kenya

Clinton Rono, Tiko Africa
Hildah Essendi, Tiko Africa
Stanley Nyoro, Tiko Africa
Hilina Hailemariam, Tiko Africa

Mombasa county: HIV prevalence 4.8%; 50,656 living with HIV. Unmet contraceptive needs: 21% (15-19 years), 78% (unmarried 20-24 years AGYW). Over 19% with HIV/AIDS face mental illness, impacting ART adherence & prevention. Tiko Africa collaborated with six KP and four general population focused groups to offer varied services at community and facility levels via public, private, and community providers using Tiko app. Tiko app collects real-time data for key indicator visualization, guiding activity adjustments. May 2022-January 2024: 185,547 integrated services provided to 60,541 AYAs (261 Transgender, 5,580 Males, 54,699 Females), including 2,859 KPs (335 PWID, 2,260 FSW, 238 MSMs). A 128% increase in AYA services compared to January 2021-April 2022 (74,356 services). 61.4% received services in clinics, 50.6% in pharmacies. 77% aged 15-19, 23% 20-24. 33,062 new, 27,482 returning users. Integrating facility and community services broadens AYA and KP access, enhancing cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and user experience, improving quality of life.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 122. Reaching sexual and gender minorities with Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights information and services