
Increasing Political and Financial Commitment towards Voluntary Fp/Rh through Non-Health Cross-Sectoral Interconnectedness; A Case of Uganda

John Ampeire, National Population Council
Espilidon Tumukurate, Pathfinder International

One critical approach to addressing FP/RH financing is integration in development planning. There is increased understanding that Family Planning (FP) is not only a health issue but rather a socio-economic issue, as rapid population growth affects every sector. Non-health sectors can be entry points for engagement and generate resources for FP if well-engaged and coordinated. We have demonstrated this by engaging non-health sectors at national and sub-national levels to plan for and allocate funds for FP. This was done through partnerships to implement the USAID/Uganda Family Planning Activity (FPA) in 11 districts. FPA applied evidence-based approaches to create a favourable policy and financing environment for FP. As a result, Ministry of Local Government issued a circular to Chief Administrative Officers and Town Clerks to integrate FP in plans and budgets from Financial Year 2023/2024. Districts have committed funds for FP, generated from especially non-health sectors.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 62. Barriers and facilitators to access sexual and reproductive health services