
Refugee Entrepreneurship Challenges in the Host Country: The Case of Drc and Somali Women Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya

Youssoufou DAOUDA LABOT, Association Professionnelle AVEC

Kenya has been hosting refugees for decades, with many residing in urban areas like Nairobi, Eldoret, and Mombasa instead of designated camps such as Dadaab, Kakuma, and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement. UNHCR (2021) reports 83,000 refugees in Nairobi, opting for urban life for better economic opportunities and social services. However, urban entrepreneurship poses risks, leaving refugees vulnerable to exploitation, arrest, and competition with locals for low-wage jobs. Refugee women face additional challenges due to their vulnerable status. This study focuses on self-reliant urban women refugees from DRC and Somalia in Nairobi. Data will be gathered through interviews, focus groups, and observation, using snowball sampling. Key informants from UNHCR, NGOs, and the police will also be interviewed. Findings will shed light on entrepreneurship challenges and coping strategies, informing policy recommendations for refugee accommodation and support in Kenya.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session 71. International migration and forced displacements