
An Assessment of Barriers to Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition Services in Malawi

Wongani Kanyenda, Pakachere
Manuel Mulwafu, MOMENTUM Tiyeni Project
Levison Nkhoma, MOMENTUM Tiyeni Project
Tambudzai Rashidi, MOMENTUM Tiyeni Project
Simon Sikwese, Pakachere
Rahal Saeed, Palladium Group
Olive Mtema, MOMENTUM Tiyeni Project
Sarah Stratton, MOMENTUM Tiyeni Project

In Malawi, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) is a critical factor in the access and utilization of health care services. However, there are gaps in the integration of GESI principles in service delivery. An assessment was conducted in the five MOMENTUM Tiyeni project implementation districts to identify obstacles to inclusive health care and program delivery. Results show significant systemic and behavioral challenges that affect the quality and accessibility of health services. Identified systemic factors included in availability of other types of services, provider skills and competency which limit access to health services among other population groups. Behavioral challenges included gendered norms and beliefs that negatively influence health-seeking behaviors as well as provider attitudes towards other population groups. Mainstreaming GESI in service delivery has a potential of addressing some of the inequalities identified in this assessment.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P2. Poster Session 2