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Dawlat Shaarawy, Unfpa
Soad Abd Elmegid, Ministry of Health and Population
Climate change (CC) poses significant threats to the health and resilience of women. This study, conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) and UNFPA by EcoConServ. It examines the links between CC and its impact on women’s reproductive health (RH). Methodology: The study employed mixed-method approach using primary and secondary data through conduction of focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and literature review. Six governorates were identified for their vulnerability and a range of stakeholders were interviewed. Findings: Women face heightened risks due to factors like limited access to resources, social norms, and biological differences. CC exacerbates these vulnerabilities as it disrupts access to healthcare services, hinders nutritional intake, and increases susceptibility to diseases, affecting reproductive health. Livelihoods are disrupted, the burden of household responsibilities disproportionately falls on women, leading to increased stress and gender-based violence. While some understanding exists, comprehensive awareness for CC adaptation remains uneven.
Presented in Session 93. Climate Change and Health-1