
Innovative Approaches in Census Implementation in Africa

Fredrick O Okwayo, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Alessio Cangiano, UNFPA

Technological advancements have transformed the process of collecting, analyzing, and utilizing census data. The digitization and geo-referencing of the census has led to significant efficiencies in data collection, improvements in data quality, and a more timely release of census results. The geospatial revolution has empowered nations to address more effectively population needs through innovative applications of census data in areas such as healthcare, urban planning, education, climate vulnerability mapping, and humanitarian preparedness and response. The potential for using AI for automating data processing and analysis tasks and identifying patterns and correlations in census datasets is also on the horizon. This paper will start with a global overview of evolving census methodologies in the 2020 census round, set in the context of the disruptions and challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper will conclude with some reflections on the future of the census as African countries transition to the 2030 census round.

No extended abstract or paper available

  Presented in Session 10. Censuses and Surveys in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges-1