
Friday, May 24 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Chambo-Matemba Room

Session 116
Social and Economic dimensions of ageing

Chair: Abel Nzabona, Centre For Basic Research, Kampala
Discussant: Yovani Lubaale, Makerere University

1. The Future of Population Aging in Algeria: Implications on Pension SustainabilityFarid Flici, Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée pour le Développement (CREAD ).

2. Vieillissement de la population et inégalités de genre au Burkina Faso*Bilampoa Gnoumou Thiombiano, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo.

3. Prevalence and Correlates for Self-Reported Sleep Difficulty among Older Persons in the Slums of Kampala, UgandaFred Maniragaba, Makerere University; Charles Lwanga, Makerere University; Paulino Ariho, Makerere University; Henry Zakumumpa, Makerere University.

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