
Tuesday, May 21 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Chambo-Matemba Room

Session 38
Reproductive Justice, Gender Equity and Fertility preferences

Chair: Allen Kabagenyi, Makerere University, Institute of Statistics And Applied Economics,
Discussant: Billie de Haas, University Of Groningen

1. “When They Force a Woman, It’s to save Her Life”: Community Perceptions of Contraceptive Coercion in an Anonymized Sub-Saharan African CountryLeigh G. Senderowicz, University of Wisconsin at Madison.

2. Normes De Genre Favorables à l’Adhésion Des Hommes a La Planification Familiale Et Autonomie De La Femme Dans Le Bassin Du Lac TchadJean Roland Narcisse Elandi Elandi, IFORD.

3. Gender Inequitable Norms and Its Associate among University Students in Southern EthiopiaYIRGALEM TOLA, MPH Reproductive Health Arba Minch College of Health Science, Arba Minch,; Temesgen Mohammed, Department of Public Health, Aba Minch College of Health Science, Arba Minch, Ethiopia; Amanuel A Albene, Department of Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia..

4. “They Told Me That If I Abort, They'Ll Report Me”. Understanding How Reproductive Injustice Can Lead to InfanticideRamatou Ouedraogo, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Heidi Moseson, Ibis Reproductive Health; Cilor Ndong, UCAD Universite Cheikh Anta Diop/ APHRC ( African Population and Health Research Center).

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 Other sessions on Fertility / Sexual and Reproductive Health