
Thursday, May 23 / 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Nkhwali-Nkhanga Room

Session 91
30 Years after Cairo: Where Are We in Men's Commitment to Equality Women-Men?

Chair: Laure Moguérou, CRESPPA-GTM
Discussant: Madeleine Wayack Pambe, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo

1. Towards Reducing Fertility, a Continuing Policy Challenge in EgyptAliaa Amer, Cairo demographic Centre.

2. ICPD+30: Where We Are on Population Policy in Francophone Sub-Saharan AfricaKeita Ohashi, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

3. Population Control, Feminism, and Reproductive Justice: Family Planning’s “Strange Bedmates” 30 Years after CairoLeigh G. Senderowicz, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Rishita Nandagiri.

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 Other sessions on Fertility / Sexual and Reproductive Health