
Use of e-learning in developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of women's participation in Cameroon

MATY KONTE, International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank Group
Benjamin Fomba Kamga, Université de Yaoundé II
Christian Zamo

The objective of this work is to analyze the determinants of women’s participation in the use of e-learning in Cameroon. The methodology implemented uses data from the survey on the practice of digital media carried out in 2021 by the Center for Research Studies in Economics and Management and the National Institute of Statistics. The results of the estimates carried out on the basis of the dichotomous Logit model and deepened by the Heckman regression show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the use of e-learning by women and the Francophone and Anglophone education subsystems with probabilities increasing by 11.59% and 7.81% respectively. This is how the use of e-learning has a positive effect on obtaining a higher education diploma with an increase in the probability of 2.4%. However, there is no link between the use of e-learning and obtaining a primary diploma and a secondary diploma.

See paper.

  Presented in Session 85. Educational Innovations: Nurturing Excellence from Early Childhood to Higher Education