
Social Inclusiveness and Persons with Disability in Southwest Nigeria

Elias Wahab, Lagos State University
Jubril Jawando, LASU

It is trite that PLWDs are often excluded in access to life chances, however, how this occur & curtail such, are unknown. This is critical towards improving their social inclusiveness & wellbeing. Data was conducted between June-December 2022, using methodological triangulation. A total of 300 questionnaires & 10 In-depth interviews (IDI), Key Informant Interviews (KII) & Focus Group Discussions (FGD), were used on various stakeholders in the area. The study reveals that social exclusion is rampant & affecting wellbeing of PWDs. This was in form of both material & non-material content. The study found that PWDs are faced with financial challenges more, social exclusion & difficulties in accessing private & public facilities in the south west states. The paper concludes that there is need for more publicity, sensitization, lobbying & enactment of more laws to push for legislation at the state houses of assembly for the domestication of the Act.

See extended abstract.

  Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4