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Sudhanshu Handa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Marwa Ibrahim, University of North Carolina
Maxton Tsoka, University of Malawi
This paper studies the long-term impact of the Malawi government’s Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP), an unconditional transfer provided to ultra-poor, labor-constrained rural households. We use data from a randomized-controlled trial conducted from 2013-2015 plus a long-term follow-up conducted in 2021; the original control group entered the program in 2016. Using a panel of 2,033 individuals who appeared in all the survey waves, we find strong impacts of the SCTP on our three well-being indexes: objective physical health, well-being and self-reported health. These impacts are particularly large among women, who make up the majority of SCTP recipients. In 2021 these impacts disappear in the full sample, but a significant male-female difference I the treatment effect appears. Thus, in the long-term, the SCTP appears to positively impact the health of elderly women significantly more than elderly men.
Presented in Session 107. Aging, Health, and Policy Implications in Africa