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John Ulimwengu, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Africa is at a pivotal juncture, where its demographic dividend presents a unique opportunity for transformative growth in its food systems. The demographic dividend, defined as the economic growth potential that can arise from shifts in a population's age structure, mainly when the working-age population grows larger relative to the dependents, offers an unprecedented chance to revitalize and innovate within the continent's food systems. This paper examines how the burgeoning young workforce can be leveraged to enhance productivity, innovation, and sustainability in Africa's food systems. Through a comprehensive review of demographic trends, agricultural policies, and case studies across countries, we identify key strategies for harnessing the demographic dividend. With targeted interventions and investments, the ongoing demographic dividend in Africa has the potential to significantly contribute to a systemic transformation of the continent's food systems, making them more productive, inclusive, and resilient.
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4