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Irene Muhunzu, Natioanl Council for Population and Development
Catherine Ndei, National Council for Population and Development
Mohamed Sheikh, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD)
Jane Wanjaria, National Council For Population and Development
Families are recognized for the contributions they make in individuals and society. However, families have not received a substantial focus in policy making and programing and very little research is available on family dynamics. The family has experienced various changes as a result of rapid demographic and socio-economic change which have generated considerable effects on family dynamics. These changes have affected the most vulnerable; young children. The National Council for Population and Development conducted a study on the status of the family in Murang’a county. The study sought to: describe the structure of families; determine changes in the family and their drivers and determine the status of family well-being. The study employed mixed approaches of quantitative and qualitative data collection. This paper summaries research findings of the study with a focus on its implications on the wellbeing of Children. It informs formulation and implementation of family-oriented policies, guidelines, and programs.
Presented in Session 63. Changing Families in sub-Saharan Africa