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Raimi A. Asiyanbola, Osun State University
The study examines secondary school students’ use of smart city related technological innovations in Ibadan, Nigeria. Both primary and secondary data were used in the study. Primary data was collected with the administration of 194 questionnaires in five secondary schools in Ibadan. The data collected were analysed using frequencies, percentages, and, Chi square. Results shows that majority of them know how to use computer and cell phone to browse internet to do their school work, watch video clips, play games, search for location of places, direction to places and distance to places. After using phone/computer some of them said they used to experience tiredness, eye problem, headache, and stress. Without using phone some said they used to feel lonely, unhappy, and anxious. No significant gender difference is found in their perceived health challenges. Significant difference is found in their feelings when they did not use phone.
Presented in Session P3. Poster Session 3