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Claire Ashaba, Makerere University
Christabellah Namugenyi, Makerere University
The Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016 reported, the overall rate of pregnancy termination was 26% (N= 57,906 women). However, this varied across age groups with the highest rate (42%) among older women 40-49 years. This study aimed at establishing factors associated with pregnancy termination among older women in Uganda. The study used data from the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016. The sample of women aged 40 – 49 years was considered for data analysis. Results showed that odds of pregnancy termination were high among older women who listen to radio, were richer, use condoms as a contraceptive method, reside in rural areas and in non-domestic roles. However, for women with secondary or higher education and those who watch television, the odds of pregnancy termination were low. The study recommends need for programs targeted at generating community responsiveness of effective contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies among older women.
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4