English Français |
Margaret Napolo, Population and Development Consult Limited
In Uganda, 6.5% of the general population and 1.4% of the refugee population have some form of disability. However, refugees with disabilities still face numerous barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Uganda. The study examined the barriers faced by refugees with disabilities in accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Uganda. The study findings were based on data from a household survey conducted among 74 refugees with disabilities living in Bidibidi refugee settlement. In addition, 15 interviews with the health workers, representatives of persons with disabilities and district health staff informed the study. The quantitative data was entered into the Statistical Package for Social Scientists, coded, cleaned and analysed. The qualitative data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. The results were presented using descriptive statistics. The study found that refugees living with disabilities face several barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Uganda.
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4