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Chukwuemeke Buzome, Department of Educational Management and Foundations(Early childhood Education) Delta State University, Abraka
Academic excellence is a crucial goal for any educational system, reflecting the quality of teaching and learning and the achievement of pupils. However, it is not a given but a result of effective pedagogical strategies that align with the curriculum, learners, and context. This study explores and compares pedagogical strategies used to promote academic excellence from childhood education to higher education in Delta State Nigeria, identifying best practices and challenges encountered. The study used a descriptive research design with 1000 preschool teachers in Delta State, with 200 teachers representing 20% of the population. The results showed that traditional, teacher-centered pedagogical methods often do not adequately engage pupils . However, student-centered pedagogical strategies, such as collaborative learning, problem-based learning, flipped classrooms, and digital integration, have demonstrated the potential to enhance student engagement and academic performance. Schools and higher education institutions that adopt these innovative strategies report marked improvements in pupil outcomes.
Presented in Session 85. Educational Innovations: Nurturing Excellence from Early Childhood to Higher Education