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Julius Chingwalu, Palladium, PROPEL Health Project
Mary Mulombe-Phiri, Ministry of Health, Reproductive Health Directorate
Sandra Mapemba, Palladium, PROPEL Health Project
This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the Malawi FP2030 EWG during the execution of the Malawi FP2030 commitments. It utilizes the WHO health systems framework (system building blocks) to evaluate the EWG’s management of the FP program from 2012 to 2020. To ensure effective implementation and oversight, the Ministry of Health-Reproductive Health Directorate (MOH-RHD) established and led the FP2020 Engagement Working Group (EWG) in conjunction with the FP subcommittee to uphold this commitment. Having strong coordination mechanisms at national with clear strategies and active leadership by the MOH ensures buy-in, collaboration, and propels stakeholders into action. The Engagement Working Group provided an ideal opportunity for the MOH and partners to critically review strategies and challenges facing implementation and, in most cases, was pivotal in coming up with solutions. These new relationships and interactions reduced some inefficiencies while effectively leveraging synergies and reducing duplication.
Presented in Session 118. Health Governance, Innovation, and Resilience in Africa