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Eunice N. S. Imasiku, University of Zambia
Gilbert Siame, University of Zambia
Dorothy Ndhlovu, University of Zambia
Ireen Kabembo, University of Zambia
Progress Nyanga, University of Zambia
Garikai Membele, University of Zambia
Food loss represents significant barriers to achieving food security and optimal health outcomes. This study aims at exploring the nexus between food loss and nutrition loss within the Lusaka City Food Region. A mixed method approach was used on a sample of 2000 smallholder farmers. Results indicate that close to 50% of the farmers produced fresh vegetables. About one third (35%) of the vegetables were lost with the loss being highest at the farm. The total energy and Vitamin A lost was 248,115,701.8cal and 2,975,018,954µg, respectively. The highest nutrition loss was from tomatoes. This suggests that they are the most nutrient-dense of the four major products under consideration. Nutrition loss is depriving some people of the much needed nutrients to help them enjoy good health. Therefore, there is need for the government to come up with strategies that shall help reduce on food loss in Lusaka city and beyond.
Presented in Session P4. Poster Session 4