Monday, May 20 /
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Bwato Room
Session 10 Censuses and Surveys in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges-1
Chair: Oliver P. Fischer, U.S. Census Bureau
Discussant: Isaac Chirwa, NSO Deputy Director
The Contribution of Census Data in Maternal Mortality Estimation: A Descriptive Analysis •
Sahar M A Ahmed, Centre d'Estudis Demografics; Greg Guranich, World Health Organization; Jenny A Cresswell, World Health Organization.
Challenges and Solutions to Combining Data from Leading Global Health Surveys: An IPUMS Perspective •
Anna Bolgrien, University of Minnesota; Miriam King, University of Minnesota; Devon Kristiansen, Minnesota Population Center.
Opportunities for Census Data Collection in Africa for the 2030 Phc round •
Pamela kakande Nabukhonzo, UNECA; William Muhwava, UNECA
Innovative Approaches in Census Implementation in Africa •
Fredrick O Okwayo, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Alessio Cangiano, UNFPA.
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