
Friday, May 24 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Phwiti-Mpeta Room

Session 115
Early marriage and childbearing

Chair: Negussie Boti Sidamo, Arba Minch University
Discussant: Ngwibete Atenchong, Paulesi
Discussant: Rodrigue Kolawolé Babaekpa, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo

1. Contraceptive Use among Young Mothers with Repeat Births: Evidence from a Qualitative Study in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.Lungisile Shange, North-West University (Mafikeng Campus); Pranitha Maharaj, University of KwaZulu-Natal.

2. An Assessment of Teenage Pregnancy in Zimbabwe. The Case of Manicaland and Mashonaland Central ProvincesJames Munamati, University of zimbabwe.

3. Factors Associated with Child Marriages in Zimbabwe: Evidence from a Nationally Representative SurveyNaomi N Wekwete, University of Zimbabwe; Ronald Musizvingoza, United Nations University; Wellington Murenjekwa, Ministry of Health and Child Care.

4. Findings and Lessons Learned from Developing a Five-Year Community-Based Intervention for Preventing Early Marriage in Rural GambiaMat Lowe, Society for the Study of Women's Health (SSWH).

5. La gestion sociale des grossesses prémaritales au Sénégal : quand les normes sociales empêchent la prévention et favorisent la disqualification sociale.*Cilor Ndong, UCAD Universite Cheikh Anta Diop/ APHRC ( African Population and Health Research Center); Ramatou Ouedraogo, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC).

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 Other sessions on Fertility / Sexual and Reproductive Health