
Tuesday, May 21 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Nthiwatiwa Room

Session 28
Improving Access to quality education: examples of successful interventions-2

Chair: Felly Kinziunga, Université de Kinshasa

1. The Causal Effect of Primary School Reforms on Women Reproductive Behaviors in Ethiopia. Is the Expansion in Education Quantity the Primary Mechanism?Endale Kebede, Wittgenstien center for demography and global human capital (University of vienna, IIASA, VID).

2. Is there a natural resources curse on educational inequality? Does political concentration matter? Empirical evidence in developing countries.*Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou, Université de Yaoundé II; Valentine Soumtang Bime , Université de Yaoundé II; AGATHE CASSANDRA KOUMIS NGAGNI, University of Douala.

3. Does the digital divide hinder women's educational performance? Evidence from African Countries*prince PIVA ASALOKO, université de Yaoundé 2.

4. Effects of Educational Assortative Mating on Female Labour Market Outcomes in CameroonEbenezer Lemven wirba, University of Namibia; Fiennasah Akem, University of Dschang.

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