Tuesday, May 21 /
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Auditorium Backstage
Session 31 Fertility stalls in sub-Saharan Africa: drivers and consequences
Chair: Philippe Bocquier, UCLouvain
Discussant: Ashira Menashe-Oren, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Social Network and Attitudes towards the Timing of the First Birth after Marriage among Married Adolescent Girls in Rural Communities in Niger •
Amani Hachimou, Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour le Développement (GRADE AFRICA); Shweta Tomar, Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSD, USA; Kevin Iredell, Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSD, USA; Souleymane Amadou G, GRADE Africa; Jay Silverman, University of California, San Diego; Nouhou AbdoulMoumouni, GRADE Africa; Kadidiatou Boubacar M, Save The Children Niger; Holly Baker, Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSD, USA.
The Sequence of First Sexual, Marriage and Birth Events and Later-Life Reproductive Metric Indicators among Ugandan Women: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study. •
Christabellah Namugenyi, Makerere University; Claire Ashaba, Makerere University.
Harnessing Religious Influence: Exploring Views of Adolescent Women and Religious Leaders in Supporting Family Planning Intentions within the Religious Community. A Qualitative Study in Kenya's Mombasa and Wajir Counties." •
Julius Rwenyo, Research Assistant; John Mushomi, African Institute for Development Policy.
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Other sessions on
Fertility / Sexual and Reproductive Health