Tuesday, May 21 /
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Chambo-Matemba Room
Session 38 Reproductive Justice, Gender Equity and Fertility preferences
Chair: Allen Kabagenyi, Makerere University, Institute of Statistics And Applied Economics,
Discussant: Billie de Haas, University Of Groningen
“When They Force a Woman, It’s to save Her Life”: Community Perceptions of Contraceptive Coercion in an Anonymized Sub-Saharan African Country •
Leigh G. Senderowicz, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Normes De Genre Favorables à l’Adhésion Des Hommes a La Planification Familiale Et Autonomie De La Femme Dans Le Bassin Du Lac Tchad •
Jean Roland Narcisse Elandi Elandi, IFORD.
Gender Inequitable Norms and Its Associate among University Students in Southern Ethiopia •
YIRGALEM TOLA, MPH Reproductive Health Arba Minch College of Health Science, Arba Minch,; Temesgen Mohammed, Department of Public Health, Aba Minch College of Health Science, Arba Minch, Ethiopia; Amanuel A Albene, Department of Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia..
“They Told Me That If I Abort, They'Ll Report Me”. Understanding How Reproductive Injustice Can Lead to Infanticide •
Ramatou Ouedraogo, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Heidi Moseson, Ibis Reproductive Health; Cilor Ndong, UCAD Universite Cheikh Anta Diop/ APHRC ( African Population and Health Research Center).
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Other sessions on
Fertility / Sexual and Reproductive Health