Tuesday, May 21 /
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Bwato Room
Session 42 Critical Approaches in African demography
Chair: Joe Strong, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Discussant: Estelle Sidze, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Collecting Data on HIV-Related Mortality during Household Surveys: A Randomized Validation Study in Malawi •
Albert Dube, Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit; Sarah Brumfield, Boston University; Amelia Crampin, Karonga Prevention Study; Stephane Helleringer, New York University Abu Dhabi.
Do Desired Family Size Questions Measure Current Demand for Childbearing? An Analysis of the Demographic and Health Surveys Data •
Endale Kebede, Wittgenstien center for demography and global human capital (University of vienna, IIASA, VID); Alex C. Ezeh, Drexel University; Narshil Choi, Drexel University.
Population Chatter for Clearer and Broader Thinking about Fertility •
Jenny Trinitapoli, University of Chicago; Gertrude Finyiza, University of Denver.
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