
Tuesday, May 21 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Nkhwazi Room

Session 63
Changing Families in sub-Saharan Africa

Chair: Cassandra Cotton, Arizona State University
Discussant: Isabel Pike, McGill University

1. African Households: National and Subnational Trends from Censuses and SurveysMaria Pohl, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Albert Esteve, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona); Juan Galeano, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre D'Estudis demogràfics (CED).

2. Changes in Family Structure and Its Implications on Wellbeing of Children in Murang’a County, KenyaIrene Muhunzu, Natioanl Council for Population and Development; Catherine Ndei, National Council for Population and Development; Mohamed Sheikh, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD); Jane Wanjaria, Demographer.

3. Femme cheffe de ménage monoparentale dans les recensements du Burkina Faso : Evolution et caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques*Yéniban MADIEGA, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population / Université Joseph KI-ZERBO de Ouagadougou.

4. The Impact of Re-Partnering on Women's Decision-Making Autonomy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from Demographic and Health SurveysVissého Adjiwanou, Université Du Québec à Montréal.

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