
Thursday, May 23 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Phwiti-Mpeta Room

Session 72
Female Migration

Chair: Lombebo Tagesse Sibamo, Lecturer, Researcher and Policy Advisor

1. Female Migration, Remittances and Poverty Reduction in EcowasOluwayemisi Adeleke, Redeemers' University, Ede; Kemi Akeju, Ekiti State University; Judith Ani, University of Johannesburg; Chisaa Ignolekwu, Direct Consulting and Logistics.

2. LES DERTERMINANTS MAJEURS DE L’EMIGRATION DES FEMMES RURALES DE LA REGION DE ZINDER AU NIGER*Laouali Brah Malam Maman, Centre de Formation en gestion des collectivités territoriales CFGCT ENA, Niamey.

3. Gender and Climate Change Induced Migration in Southern Africa: An Invitation to an Exploration of Linkages.Divane Nzima, University of the Free State; Gracsious Maviza, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and Department of Sociology, University of the Free State.

4. Patterns and Trends of Internal Migration among Females in South Africa: Analyses from 2001 and 2011 Censuses.Dave Temane , University of the Witswatersrand; Tshediso Barwe, PhD Candidate; Langutani Nesco LN Miyambu, University of the Witwatersrand.

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