
Thursday, May 23 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Phwiti-Mpeta Room

Session 81
Leveraging Africa's Demographic Potential: Strategies for Sustainable Development

Chair: Nurudeen Alhassan, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP)

1. Measuring Consensus in the Perception of National Efforts to Harness a Demographic Dividend among Local Experts in Six Sub-Saharan African CountriesCarolina Cardona, Johns Hopkins University; Steffany Vucetich, Johns Hopkins University; Jean Christophe Rusatira, Johns Hopkins University; J.M. Ian Salas, Johns Hopkins University; Oying Rimon, Johns Hopkins University; Saifuddin Ahmed, Johns Hopkins University.

2. Sectoral growth in Africa: the role of the demographic dividend*Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa, Université de Yaoundé II Soa; Emmanuel JUAKALY WAYISOVIA, Université de Dschang; Simplice Anutechia Asongu, University of Johannesburg.

3. Disparité régionale en matière de source de croissance économique en Afrique Subsaharienne : Une analyse sous l’angle du dividende démographique*TEDA SOH FOSSI RODRIGUE MARCIAL, PhD student.

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