
Thursday, May 23 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Nkhwali-Nkhanga Room

Session 83
Integrated Approaches to Population, Health, Environment, and Development (PHED) in Africa

Chair: Patrick Likongwe, Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD)
Discussant: Charles Kabiswa, Regenerate Africa

1. Population Dynamics, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan AfricaElizabeth Costenbader, Family Health International; Clive Mutunga, AFIDEP; John A Mushomi, Makerere University.

2. Evaluation des politiques sectorielles mises en œuvre entre 2010 et 2023 intégrant la population, la santé, l'environnement et le développement pour l’atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable ODD à l’horizon 2030 en Guinée*Kékoura Gbanamou, Université Gamal Abdel Nasser.

3. Are Population Issues Mainstreamed into Climate Change Policies and Action in Nigeria? Evidence from a Systematic Review of National Climate Change DocumentsNnamdi Maduekwe, National Population Commission; Aisha Abdulazeez, National Population Commission, Nigeria.

4. Adopt a Fruit Tree Initiative: Counting on Climate Action to Achieve Sdg 3, 4 and 13Margaret Mwaila, demography; Jane Wanjaria, Demographer; Mohamed Sheikh, National Council for Population and Development.

5. Population, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development in AfricaNdirangu Ngunjiri, University of Nairobi; Elizabeth Mwende Kingoo, University of Nairobi.

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