Thursday, May 23 /
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Nkhwali-Nkhanga Room
Session 83 Integrated Approaches to Population, Health, Environment, and Development (PHED) in Africa
Chair: Patrick Likongwe, Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD)
Discussant: Charles Kabiswa, Regenerate Africa
Population Dynamics, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa •
Elizabeth Costenbader, Family Health International; Clive Mutunga, AFIDEP; John A Mushomi, Makerere University.
Evaluation des politiques sectorielles mises en œuvre entre 2010 et 2023 intégrant la population, la santé, l'environnement et le développement pour l’atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable ODD à l’horizon 2030 en Guinée* •
Kékoura Gbanamou, Université Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Are Population Issues Mainstreamed into Climate Change Policies and Action in Nigeria? Evidence from a Systematic Review of National Climate Change Documents •
Nnamdi Maduekwe, National Population Commission; Aisha Abdulazeez, National Population Commission, Nigeria.
Adopt a Fruit Tree Initiative: Counting on Climate Action to Achieve Sdg 3, 4 and 13 •
Margaret Mwaila, demography; Jane Wanjaria, National Council For Population and Development; Mohamed Sheikh, National Council for Population and Development.
Population, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development in Africa •
Ndirangu Ngunjiri, University of Nairobi; Elizabeth Mwende Kingoo, University of Nairobi.
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