Monday, May 20 /
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Nkhwazi Room
Session 9 Early career researchers advancing the discourse on sexual and reproductive health and rights in contemporary Africa.
Chair: Estelle Sidze, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Effets identitaires de la socialisation différentielle de genre sur les aspirations au premier enfant et au mariage des jeunes adolescent(e)s à Ouagadougou: une étude mixte* •
Alis BAMBARA, IDESO-Univesity og Geneva; Madeleine Wayack-Pambè; Idrissa Ouili, Institu supérieur des sciences de la population; Georges Guiella, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de La Population de L’Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo; Alexandre Delamou, Centre de formation et de recherche en santé rurale de Maferinyah-Guinea.
Gendered Lives: Why Women Do Not Sit with Their Legs astride on ‘Bodaboda’ in Mbale, Uganda. •
Emmanuel Abiodun Fayankinnu, Adekunle Ajasin University.
Attitudes toward and Perspectives on Abortion in Uganda: Development of
an Abortion Positionality Framework. •
Charles Katulamu, University of Michigan.
Men, Condoms, Commodity Chains: Analysing Evidence Production on Male Condoms through a Case Study in Accra, Ghana •
Joe Strong, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
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Other sessions on
Fertility / Sexual and Reproductive Health