
Friday, May 24 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Poster Room

Poster Session 4

1. Sea Defence Structures and Sustainable Livelihoods: The Experiences of Urban Coastal Residents of Glefe, Accra.Cynthia Addoquaye Tagoe, University of Ghana; Valerie Nutakor, ISSER, University of Ghana.

2. Consommation de l'eau minérale en bouteille en Afrique: Une mutation du mode de vie induite par l'urbanisation*Elise Chantale Ahovey, Cheffe Département de la Promotion de la Femme et du Genre au Ministère des Affaires Sociales et de la Microfinance; Mélaine Octavia C. A. HOUEGOUNOU, JUNIA Grande Ecole d'Ingénieurs.

3. Fertility Trends and Patterns among Black South African Women in South Africa. A Re-Assessment Using the Reverse Survival MethodAhuejere Leonard, Stats SA; Lutendo Malisha, Statistics South Africa.

4. Geographical Analysis of the Prevalence and Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence in NigeriaChukwuedozie K. Ajaero, University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Emeka Igboeli, University of Nigeria Nsukka; Juliana J.C Onuh Onuh, University of Nigeria Nsukka; Eberechukwu J. Ezea, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).

5. Self-Care Practices in Management of Side-Effects Due to Use of Modern Contraceptive Methods: Findings from a Descriptive Mixed Methods Study in Niger, Nepal and UgandaDinah Amongin, Makerere University School of Public Health; Simon Peter P. S. Kibira, Makerere University School of Public Health; Sarah Ms Nabukeera, Makarere University; Fredrick Makumbi, Makerere University; Dieudonne Bidashimwa, FHI 360; Rhoda Wanyenze, Makerere University.

6. Factors That Influence Pregnancy Termination among Older Women in Uganda; An Analysis of the 2016, Uganda Demographic and Health Survey.Claire Ashaba, Makerere University; Christabellah Namugenyi, Makerere University.

7. Facteurs explicatifs de l’aptitude en littératie-numératie des enfants de 3-4 ans au Togo.*Yawo Agbenowossi ATIFUFU, IFORD; Honoré Mimche, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD); Nadège Chouapi Kouam Dzutseu, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD); Houégnon Constant Prudence Azonhoumon, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD).

8. Modélisation de la fécondité en Tunisie : Analyse économétrique sur les données MICS6*Jalila Dr Attafi, Faculté des Sciences Économiques Et de Gestion de Tunis; Yahiaoui Nairouz, Faculté des Sciences Économiques Et de Gestion de Tunis.

9. Profils des migrants en Tunisie : Analyse des données de l'enquête migration 2021*Jalila Dr Attafi, Faculté des Sciences Économiques Et de Gestion de Tunis; Yahiaoui Nairouz, Faculté des Sciences Économiques Et de Gestion de Tunis.

10. Le trinôme caféier-cacaoyer-palmier à huile comme forme de résilience des exploitants familiaux de Santchou (Ouest Cameroun)*Hippolite AZAOU, MINESEC.

11. Use of Family Planningmervis banda, presenter.

12. L’agentivité en santé reproductive affecte-t-elle l’utilisation de la contraception moderne et la survenue des rapports sexuels non désirés chez les adolescentes et jeunes femmes au Burkina Faso ?*Fiacre Bazie, ISSP-UJKZ; Yentema Onadja, Institut supérieur des sciences de la population; Bouma Fernand Bationo.

13. Attitudes des femmes envers la violence domestique Cas Algérie, Tunisie et Irak*Zoubida Belarbi, Université Blida 2; Khadidja Hocine, Université Blida 2.

14. Assessing Covid-19 Epidemic and Socioeconomic Impacts in the Lake Chad RegionBenjamin Bob, AKWA IBOM STATE GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA.

15. Conflits armés et Catastrophes naturelles en Afrique subsaharienne : Exploration de la mortalité par blessures de 1990 à 2019*Valentin Valentin BOPE, Université Catholique de Louvain.

16. Déterminants de l’épargne et l’endettement chez les hommes et les femmes à Ouagadougou*Mamadou Diallo, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS).

17. Disclosure of Violence against Women and Girls in SenegalMalick Dione, CGIAR, International Fodd Policy Research Institute; Amber Peterman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; AGNÈS LE PORT, IRD; JUSTINE BRIAUX, UNICEF; FATMA LAMESSE, Carrefour International; Melissa Hidrobo, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

18. Immigration and Integration discourses in the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and Ontario from 1988-2022: An Analysis of Topics, Sentiments and Trends in Newspaper Text.*Yao Robert Djogbenou, Département de Démographie, Université de Montréal; Vissého Adjiwanou, Université Du Québec à Montréal; Solène Lardoux, Université de Montréal.

19. Capturer le dividende démographique via Budgétisation sensible au dividende démographique*Latif Dramani, CREG-CREFAT, Université de Thies, Senegal ; Camille Guidime, Laboratoire de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (LAREG); Edem Akpo, CREG.

20. Why Is Your Child Not Having a Birth Certificate? A Study of Factors Affecting Birth Registration in Yaoundé II, Cameroon.GAMENI Durand, Faculty of medicine and biomedical sciences, university of Yaoundé 1; NGUEFACK-TSAGUE Georges, Department of Public Health, Faculty of medicine and biomedical sciences, university of Yaoundé 1; NSEME Eric, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of medicine and biomedical sciences, university of Yaoundé 1.

21. Analyse des données des réseaux sociaux : Opportunités et Défis Méthodologiques*Jean Roland Narcisse Elandi Elandi, IFORD.

22. What Happens to Abortion Rights for Refugees in Africa when They Cross Borders?Blake Erhardt-Ohren, University of California, Berkeley; Ndola Prata, Bixby Center for Population Health and Sustainability, UC Berkeley.

23. Impacts des migrations sur la durabilité urbaine et les moyens de subsistance dans la province du Lac (Tchad).*EXAUCE GALI DJAKO, Centre d'Excellence Régional Sur les Villes Durables en Afrique/ Université de Lomé.

24. Facteurs associés aux comportements sexuels à risques chez les adolescents et jeunes de 15-34 ans dans la ville de Parakou.*Onésime GANGNON, École Nationale de Statistique de Planification et de Démographie.

25. Parental Verbal Violence and Attitudes towards Early Marriage among Unmarried Adolescent Girls in NigerAmani Hachimou, Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour le Développement (GRADE AFRICA); Souleymane Amadou G, GRADE Africa; Aboubacar C Nouridine, GRADE Africa; Nouhou AbdoulMoumouni, GRADE Africa.

26. Navigating Policy Paradoxes: Analysing Contradictions in Emission Levy with Electric Vehicle Exemptions for Sustainable Urban Transportation in Ghana.Timothy Harvor, University of Ghana.

27. Geo-Visualization of Multi-State Covid-19 and Vaccination Patterns in NigeriaUguru Ibor, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria; Joshua Silas, Federal University Lokoja; Bukola Omoniyi, Federal University Lokoja.

28. Food Loss and Nutrition Loss Nexus in the Lusaka City Food RegionEunice N. S. Imasiku, University of Zambia; Gilbert Siame, University of Zambia; Dorothy Ndhlovu, University of Zambia; Ireen Kabembo, University of Zambia; Progress Nyanga, University of Zambia; Garikai Membele, University of Zambia.

29. Effects of the Cameroon Anglophone Armed Conflict on the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescent Girls in Batibo Subdivision in the North West RegionTeke Johnson Takwa, Central Bureau for the Census and Population Studies, Yaounde-Cameroon.

30. Childbearing Intentions and Financial Aspirations of Striving Young Adults in Kampala, Uganda.Charles Katulamu, University of Michigan.

31. Leveraging Africa's Demographic Potential: Strategies for Sustainable DevelopmentIsaac Ketu, Centre for Research and Studies in Economics and Management, University of Dschang, Cameroon.

32. Health-Seeking Behaviour for Febrile Illness among Caregivers of Children under Five Years across Malaria Endemicity Zones in KenyaFezokuhle Khumalo, University of Witwatersrand; Latifat Ibisomi, Wits University.

33. Effect of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (Fgm/c) Experiences on Pregnancy Outcomes among Women in Gambia: A Regression Analysis of the 2019-2020 Gambia Demographic and Health SurveyDesmond Klu, Institute of Health Research, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana; Michael Odame, University of Environment and Sustainable Development; Frank Kyei-Arthur, University of Environment and Sustainable Development; Haddy Tunkara Bah, University of the Gambia; Jainaba Sey-Sawo, University of the Gambia; Thomas Senghore, University of the Gambia.

34. Inégalités d’accès aux soins de santé des femmes ayant un handicap lors de l’accouchement au Togo : Approche par modèle logistique non ordonné.*Yawo KODJO, ESSEG-STATISTIQUE; Claude Mbarga Ella, IFORD.

35. Analyse Des Facteurs Persistants Et Émergents De La Méconnaissance De La Prévention Du Vih Chez Les Adolescentes Et Jeunes Filles En Côte d'Ivoire De 2005 à 2021.Tiassigué KONE, University Alassane Ouattara Of Bouake; Marie Ange Dasse, ONG Alliance CIV; Kouassi Saint André Kouadio, ONG Alliance CIV.

36. Exploring the Reciprocal Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Function among Chinese Older AdultsJiehua Lu, Peking University; Yunchen Ruan, Peking University.

37. What Interventions Exist to Improve Mnh Care and Reduce Social Exclusion for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents?Victoria Lwesha, Save the Children US; Melanie Yahner, Save the Children US; Callie Simon, Save the Children US; Joseph Johnson, Save the Children US.

38. The Nexus between Post- Independence Education and Industrialization in Zimbabwe.Vakai Matutu, North- West University; Blessing Magocha, North- West University; Tavengwa Gwekwerere, Cal State LA.

39. Pauvreté des ménages et accessibilité adéquate aux soins prénatals au Gabon*Ulrich MBA ALLOGO, Direction Générale de la Statistique (DGS); Franklin Bouba Djourdebbé, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD); Hamidou KONE, Enseignant chercheur.

40. Prevalence and Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence among Ever-Partnered Women in South AfricaStephina Mbele, PhD student.

41. Intentions de fécondité et planification familiale des femmes polygames : cas de l’Afrique de l’Ouest*Roch Modeste Millogo, (1) Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP), Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou; Matè Labité, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP); Charlotte Greenbaum, Population Reference Bureau (PRB).

42. A Study of Factors Influencing Female Genital Mutilation among Infants in MaliLangutani Nesco LN Miyambu, University of the Witwatersrand.

43. A Study of Factors Influencing Female Genital Mutilation among Infants in Mali.Langutani Nesco LN Miyambu, University of the Witwatersrand.

44. Enabling Adolescents Access to Vmmc, HIV and AIDS and Contraceptives by Empowering Traditional Leaders as Champions of Changesteven mkweteza, malawi.

45. Maternal Healthcare Interventions Implemented amid the Covid-19 Pandemic in Mmabatho, North-West, South Africa.Makgake Ziphorah Mohulatsi, North-West University; Tendayi Clotilda Garutsa, North-West University; Boipelo Bahule, North-West University.

46. Bypassing or Successful Referral? A Population-Based Study of Reasons Why Women Travel Far for Childbirth in Eastern UgandaPaul Mubiri, Makerere University School of Public Health; Darious Kajjo, Makerere University School of Public Health; Monica Okuga, Makerere University School of Public Health; Tanya Marchant, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London; Stefan Peterson, Uppsala University; Peter Waiswa, Makerere University School of Public Health; Claudia Hanson, Health Systems and Policy | Global Public Health | Karolinska Institutet.

47. Incidence, Predictors and Survival Outcomes of Secondary Transmission of Ebola among Contacts in Central Uganda, 2022: a Retrospective Cohort Study.Muhamed Mulongo, Busitema University, Faculty of Health Sciences; Peter Olupot-Olupot, MICRI and NUFHS; Lubaale A Yovani Moses, Makerere University, Institute of Statistics And Applied Economics,.

48. Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Family Planning in Climate Action in Sub-Saharan Africa and AsiaJohn A Mushomi, Makerere University; Clive Mutunga, AFIDEP; Peter Ngure, AFIDEP; Honorat Gbais, AFIDEP; Charles Kabiswa, Regenerate Africa; Joan L. Castro, PATH Foundation Philippines Inc.

49. Barriers Faced by Refugees with Disabilities in Accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Uganda.Margaret Napolo, Population and Development Consult Limited.

50. Maternal Healthcare Service Utilization and Inequalities Post Devolution of Health Services in Kenya: Evidence from 2014 and 2022 Kenya Demographic and Health SurveysStephen Ndambuki, Regional Institute for Population Studies; Bernard Kiprotich, Employee NCPD; Sheikh Mohammed , National Council for Population and Development.

51. Repenser le don de sang au Cameroun : dépasser le tabou du marché répugnant à un système de tarification*Benjamin Njianga Mbeyap, Université de Yaoundé II-Soa; Youssouf NVUH NJOYA, Université de Yaoundé II-Soa; Benjamin Fomba Kamga, Université de Yaoundé II.

52. L’impact de la fluorose dentaire sur le genre*Marcel Nkoma, Ministry of Economy, Planning and regional develpment.

53. Unveiling the True Scale of Africa's Orphan Crisis: Age-Specific National EstimatesJoel-Pascal Ntwali N'konzi, University of Edinburgh; Lucie Cluver, University of Oxford; Susan Hillis, University of Oxford; H Juliette T Unwin, University of Bristol; Seth Flaxman, University of Oxford.

54. Analyzing Dependence between Teenage Pregnancy and Maternal Death.Floriane Nsabimana, UNFPA.

55. The Demographic Aspects of Women with Disabilities and Access to Health Care Facilities in South AfricaPhilomene Nsengiyumva, University of the Western Cape; Robynne Abrams, University of the Western Cape.

56. Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index (Mpi) Approach to Target the Poorest Girls in Fp Programming: Lessons from the Tiko Platform in Sub-Saharan AfricaStanley Nyoro, Tiko Africa; Hildah Essendi, Tiko Africa; Leah Wanaswa, Tiko Africa.

57. Prevalence of Epilepsy in Kanywabogo Parish Kicuzi Sub-County, Ibanda DistrictJimmy Ogwal, Ministry of Health; Robert Majwala, Ministry of Health; Alex Ario, Uganda National Institute of Public Health.

58. La vulnérabilité de l’adolescence en Afrique subsaharienne*Mustapha Omrane, Université Khemis-Miliana; Yves CHARBIT, Université de Paris.

59. Effets d’interactions du risque de paludisme chez les enfants de 6-59 mois au Burkina Faso*Karim OUATTARA, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population/Université Joseph KI-ZERBO; Bassiahi Abdramane Soura, Université de Ouagadougou; Yentéma Onadja, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP)/Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo.

60. Household Children Feeding Practices and Its Implications for Health: A Qualitative Study in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana.Samuel Asiedu Owusu, University of Cape Coast.

61. Concurrent Contraceptive Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: Typology, Prevalence, and MotivationMaame Peterson, African Institute for Development Policy.

62. MrKagiso Phake, North West University.

63. Mountain Ecosystems Responses to Climate and Land Use Change Disaster in the East Africa RegionBenita Rumanzi, Africa Population Institute.

64. Structure, et Stock de Carbone d'une Forêt Urbaine Scolaire : Cas du Nouveau Site de l'Université Dan Dicko dan Koulodo de Maradi*Souley Sama Mamane, Université Dan Dicko dans koulodo de Maradi; Mouhamadou Omar, Université Dan Dicko dan Koulodo de Maradi; Moussa Soulé, Université Dan Dicko dan Koulodo de Maradi.

65. Influence of Education, Work, and Conflicts on Domestic Abuse Attitudes: A Case Study Demonstrating Data Interoperability in Eastern AfricaSula Sarkar, University of Minnesota.

66. Evaluation of Age-Sex Data Collected in the 1991, 2001 and 2011 Population and Housing Censuses of NamibiaImmanuel Shipanga, University of Namibia; Tobias Shinyemba, University of Namibia.

67. Partner Age Gaps and Desired Family Size in West AfricaAshwini Shridhar, University of Minnesota; Anna Bolgrien, University of Minnesota.

68. Unmet Need for Contraception and Its Associated Factors among Adolescents and Young Women in KenyaHellen Sidha, Reproductive and Maternal Health Services Unit; Wato Galgalo, Associate Researcher.

69. Amplifying Youth Voices: Recommendations for Enhancing Vaccine Uptake and Acceptability in Policy and PracticeOluwaseyi Somefun, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Marisa Casala, University of Western Cape.

70. Violences en contexte de pandémie de Covid-19 : état des lieux et perspectives pour la sécurité des femmes dans les départements de l’Atlantique et du Littoral au Bénin*Imourana Soumanou, African School of Economics (ASE); Alphonse Affo, Centre de Formation et de Recherche en matière de Population (CEFORP); Justin Dansou, Université de Parakou; Pacôme Acotchéou, Institut Régional de Santé Publique (IRSP); Jacques Saizonou, Institut régional de Santé Publique, Université d'Abomey-Calavi (IRSP/UAC); Josué D. G. Avakoudjo, Faculté des Sciences de la Santé, Université d'Abomey-Calavi (FSS/UAC); Achille Ayale, Ecole doctorale pluridisciplinaire (EDP/UAC); Syntiche Kounkone, Ecole doctorale pluridisciplinaire (EDP/UAC); Rabiatou Sabi Sabi, ecole.

71. Perception of the Content and Satisfaction with Antenatal Health Education among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in a Metropolitan City in NigeriaAfolabi Titilope, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton; Victoria Brown, School of Nursing, University College Hospital, Ibadan; Aanuoluwapo Afolabi, MSI Nigeria Reproductive Choices; Abimbola Oluwatosin, Department of Nursing, College of medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.

72. Facteurs explicatifs des violences faites aux filles en milieu scolaire dans la ville de Yaoundé : étude du harcèlement sexuel, de la stigmatisation en rapport avec le sexe, de l’isolement et des sévices corporels*Pythagore de TIOSSOK TSOWA, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD).

73. Contextual Determinants of Multiple Sexual Partnerships amongst Young People in South Africa: A Multilevel Analysis.Nebechukwu Henry Ugwu, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Clifford Obby Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

74. Demographic Dividend and Food Systems Transformation in AfricaJohn Ulimwengu, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

75. Social Inclusiveness and Persons with Disability in Southwest NigeriaElias olukorede wahab, Lagos State University; Jubril Jawando, LASU.

76. Short Interpregnancy Intervals and Its Consequences: A Call for Utilization of Postpartum Contraception.Felix C.C. Wekere, Rivers State University; Gift A. Clement-Wekere, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers State, Nigeria; kenneth E. Okagua, Rivers State University/Rivers State University Teaching Hospital; Ifeoma Nwadiuto, Community Medicine Department, Rivers State University; Priscilia Ogbondah, Community Medicine Department, Rivers State University.

77. Fertility Differentials among Youths in LiberiaLuther P. Whian, Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana.

78. Disparités régionales de la mortalité néonatale et infanto-juvénile au Bénin : niveaux et déterminants*Ahokpossi Yédodé, Consortium régional pour la recherche en Economie Générationnelle (CREG); Boladé Hamed Banougnin, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

79. Health-Related Behaviours and Conditions of Southern African Young Women Who Experienced Childhood Violence and Early Pregnancy: Results from Population-Based National SurveysAhokpossi Yédodé, Consortium régional pour la recherche en Economie Générationnelle (CREG); Boladé Hamed Banougnin, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Jacques B. O. Emina, University of Kinshasa.

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